Category: Matariki

The Seven Stars of Matariki

The Seven Stars of Matariki: Meanings and Significance Matariki, also known as the Seven Sisters, is a group of stars that appear in the night sky in New Zealand during the winter months. The Māori New Year begins with the rise of Matariki, which traditionally marks the end of...
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Matariki Activities for Kids

Matariki Activities for Kids: Crafts, Games, and More Matariki is the Māori New Year celebration that takes place in New Zealand during late May or early June. It is a time to reflect on the past, celebrate new beginnings, and spend time with family and friends. It is also...
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The Role of Whakapapa in Māori Culture and Matariki Celebrations

Whakapapa is a fundamental concept in Māori culture, referring to genealogy, ancestry, and lineage. It is deeply rooted in the Māori worldview and plays a significant role in Matariki celebrations. This paper will explore the meaning and importance of whakapapa in Māori culture, its role in Matariki celebrations, and...
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Matariki Art and Exhibits to Check Out in New Zealand

Matariki is an important and significant event in Māori culture, celebrating the Māori New Year and the rise of the Matariki star cluster. It is a time for reflection, renewal, and reconnection with whānau (family) and culture. As Matariki becomes more widely recognized in New Zealand, there are many...
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Traditional Māori Clothing and Adornments for Matariki Celebrations

Matariki is a significant event in the Māori culture, and it is celebrated in various ways, including dressing up in traditional Māori clothing and adornments. The traditional clothing and adornments worn during Matariki celebrations not only add to the festive atmosphere but also hold cultural significance. In this post,...
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Matariki and the Environment

Matariki and the Environment: Sustainable Practices and Celebrations Matariki, the Māori New Year, is a time of reflection, celebration, and renewal. As Matariki celebrations have gained popularity in recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the need to incorporate sustainable practices into these celebrations. In this article,...
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Māori Lunar Calendar

The Māori Lunar Calendar: Exploring the Connection to Matariki Matariki, the Māori New Year, is celebrated in New Zealand during the rise of the Matariki star cluster. Matariki is deeply rooted in Māori culture and tradition, and is an important time for reflection, planning and new beginnings. The Māori...
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Importance of Kaitiakitanga (Guardianship) in Matariki Celebrations

Matariki, the Māori New Year, is a time of renewal, reflection, and celebration. As part of the celebrations, the concept of kaitiakitanga, or guardianship, plays an important role. Kaitiakitanga involves taking responsibility for the environment and the natural resources within it, as well as ensuring their preservation for future...
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Role of Music and Dance in Matariki Celebrations

Matariki, the Māori New Year, is a significant event in the Māori calendar that is celebrated in late May or early June each year. It is a time of reflection, remembrance, and planning for the future. Music and dance are an important part of Matariki celebrations and are used...
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The Meaning of the Colors in Matariki Celebrations and Adornments

The celebration of Matariki, the Māori New Year, is a significant event in the Māori culture. The celebration is marked by various traditions, including the use of colors in decorations, clothing, and food. Colors have a symbolic meaning in Matariki celebrations and are used to represent different aspects of...
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