Celebrating Matariki in Your Workplace

Matariki, the Māori New Year, is a time of celebration, reflection, and new beginnings. It is a time to acknowledge the past, plan for the future, and come together as a community. While Matariki has traditionally been celebrated within whānau (family) and hapū (sub-tribes), it is increasingly being recognized and celebrated in your workplace. In this blog post, we will explore some ideas and suggestions for celebrating Matariki in the workplace.

25 ways to celebrate Matariki in your workplace:

Host a Matariki Breakfast

  • Kick off the celebration of Matariki by organizing a special breakfast event at the office. This should include a spread of traditional Māori foods such as Rewena bread, a sourdough potato bread; Manuka honey; and smoked fish, providing a taste of Māori cuisine. Use this gathering as an opportunity to introduce the significance of Matariki, explaining its origins and the importance of the star cluster known as the Pleiades in Māori culture. This event not only fills the office with delightful aromas and tasty treats but also serves as a communal moment that can enhance team bonding and cultural appreciation. Decorate the dining area with Matariki-themed decorations such as stars and woven items to create a festive atmosphere.

Star Watching Event

  • Organize a stargazing event either before dawn or after dusk, timed to coincide with the visibility of the Matariki star cluster. Provide telescopes and invite an expert astronomer to guide the observation, explaining the astronomical aspects and the cultural stories linked to these stars. This event can be a unique and educational experience, offering staff a chance to learn about the stars’ significance in navigation and Māori mythology. Hosting the event in a nearby park or an open space can add to the experience, making it a memorable outing away from the usual office environment. Encourage employees to bring warm blankets and hot beverages, creating a cozy, shared experience that celebrates Māori heritage and the wonders of the night sky.

Cultural Performance

  • Invite a local Māori cultural group to perform traditional songs (waiata), dances (haka), and perhaps even share some legends or stories. This performance can be an engaging and immersive way to expose staff to Māori culture, providing a deeper understanding and appreciation of its rich traditions. The dynamic and powerful performances typical of Māori dance and music can be very impactful, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees. Arrange the performance in a common area of the office or in an outdoor space if available, allowing enough room for performers and an audience. This could also be an excellent opportunity to foster relationships with local cultural groups and support indigenous artists.

Office Decorating

  • Transform the office for Matariki by decorating with symbols related to the celebration, such as representations of the Matariki star cluster, and traditional Māori decorations. Organize a creative session where employees can make their own decorations, such as paper stars or items using natural materials like flax. This not only beautifies the office but also engages employees in a hands-on activity that educates them about Māori arts and crafts. You might also consider displaying information about what each symbol represents, turning the office into an informative cultural space. This activity encourages creativity, teamwork, and a greater appreciation of Māori cultural symbols and their meanings.

Traditional Māori Games

  • Facilitate an afternoon of traditional Māori games, which could include games like ‘ki-o-rahi,’ a ball game played with a circular field. These games provide a fun, active break from the usual work routine and introduce staff to important aspects of Māori culture. Organizing such an event can be both educational and enjoyable, offering a practical team-building experience. Provide instructions and perhaps a brief history of the games to enhance understanding and engagement. This is also a great way to encourage physical activity and friendly competition among employees, fostering team spirit and camaraderie in a culturally enriching context.

Storytelling Session

  • Arrange a storytelling session by inviting a Māori elder or knowledgeable storyteller to share traditional myths and legends associated with Matariki. This activity can take place in a quiet, comfortably arranged part of the office, creating an intimate atmosphere that encourages listening and reflection. The stories can focus on Matariki’s origins, its importance in the Māori calendar as the New Year, and its connections to harvest and the cycles of life and death. Storytelling can be an exceptionally engaging way to convey cultural values and practices, making the Matariki celebration more meaningful. Encourage employees to ask questions and engage in a dialogue to deepen their understanding and connection to the stories shared.

Workshops on Weaving or Carving

  • Conduct workshops in traditional Māori crafts such as flax weaving (harakeke) or wood carving (whakairo). These workshops can be led by skilled artisans who can introduce the basics of each craft, explain the cultural significance, and guide employees through creating their own simple pieces. This hands-on activity not only provides a break from the digital world but also allows employees to create something tangible they can keep, enhancing their personal connection to Māori culture. Such workshops are not only educational but also serve as a creative outlet and a way to preserve and respect indigenous crafts.

Matariki-Themed Quiz

  • Organize a Matariki-themed quiz to engage employees in a fun and educational way. Prepare questions about Matariki’s astronomical, cultural, and historical aspects. This can be a lively group activity that sparks interest in Māori culture and stimulates teamwork and healthy competition. Consider offering small prizes for the winning team to increase participation. The quiz can be conducted during a lunch hour or as part of a larger Matariki celebration day, making it a light-hearted and inclusive way to educate staff about Matariki and its significance.

Community Volunteering

  • Emphasize the Matariki values of community and care for the environment by organizing a volunteer day. Choose activities that have a communal benefit such as cleaning up local parks, planting trees, or volunteering at a community center. This not only helps the local community or environment but also brings the team together outside the typical office setting, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. Inform the team about how these activities tie into Matariki’s themes of renewal and community well-being, making the volunteer work more impactful and rewarding.

Goal Setting Workshop

  • Reflect the theme of Matariki as a time for new beginnings by holding a goal-setting workshop. This can include both personal and professional goals, providing a structured time for reflection and planning. Facilitate discussions or provide worksheets that guide employees through reviewing the past year and setting achievable goals for the year ahead. This activity aligns with the Matariki tradition of looking forward and preparing for the future, and it can also enhance personal and professional development within your team.

Matariki Art Exhibition

  • Organize an art exhibition within the office featuring Matariki-themed artwork. This could include pieces created by staff or local artists, highlighting themes related to Matariki such as the stars, nature, renewal, and community. Set up the exhibition in a common area where employees frequently gather, such as a lobby or a break room. This not only beautifies the workspace but also provides a platform for artistic expression. You could also include interactive elements such as voting for favorite pieces or artist talks to engage employees further and make the exhibition more dynamic and educational.

Film Screening

  • Arrange a screening of a film or documentary that explores Māori culture, with a focus on themes relevant to Matariki. This can provide a relaxed yet informative way for employees to learn about Māori traditions and the significance of Matariki. Choose a comfortable room and perhaps provide popcorn or other snacks to create a movie-theater atmosphere. A discussion session afterwards can help deepen the understanding of the film’s themes and how they relate to Māori cultural practices and beliefs.

Plant Native Trees

  • In keeping with Matariki’s theme of growth and renewal, organize a tree-planting event either on office grounds or at a nearby park. Select native New Zealand trees to help preserve the local ecosystem and biodiversity. This activity not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also serves as a team-building exercise, giving employees a sense of accomplishment and connection to the land. Explain the significance of each tree species in Māori culture to enrich the planting experience.

Matariki Potluck Lunch

  • Host a Matariki potluck lunch where employees are encouraged to bring dishes that are significant to their own cultures or that align with traditional Māori foods. This fosters a sense of community and sharing, key aspects of Matariki. Set up a communal eating area decorated with Matariki themes and perhaps provide some background music featuring Māori artists. During the lunch, allow time for people to discuss the dishes they brought and their cultural significance, making the meal both a culinary and an educational experience.

Guest Lecture on Astronomy

  • Invite an astronomer or a cultural historian to give a talk on the astronomical aspects of Matariki and its significance in navigation and timekeeping in Māori culture. This could include how the appearance of the Matariki star cluster was historically used to mark the New Year and its importance in agricultural cycles. Host the lecture in a conference room and consider a Q&A session afterwards to allow employees to delve deeper into the topic. This educational session can provide a scientific perspective on Matariki, complementing the cultural activities.

Special Newsletter

  • Create a special edition of your company newsletter focused on Matariki. This edition can include articles on the cultural significance of Matariki, employee experiences from the various Matariki activities held at the office, recipes for traditional Māori dishes, and profiles of Māori artists or community leaders. Encourage employees to contribute their thoughts or learnings about Matariki, making the newsletter a collective project that reflects the diverse perspectives within your office. This not only educates but also engages the entire workforce in a meaningful dialogue about Matariki and its relevance today.

Memory Wall

  • Set up a memory wall where employees can post photos, notes, or mementos to remember and honor their loved ones who have passed away. This aligns with the Matariki tradition of remembering the deceased and celebrating their lives. Provide a space in a quiet corner of the office with materials for posting items and perhaps some seating for reflection. This can be a deeply personal and emotional contribution to the Matariki celebrations, helping to build a supportive and compassionate community within your workplace.

Cultural Training Sessions

  • Provide cultural competence training sessions focused on Māori traditions and the significance of Matariki. These sessions could cover topics such as proper protocol during Māori ceremonies, the importance of various Māori symbols, and effective communication that respects Māori cultural perspectives. This training not only enhances cultural understanding but also equips employees with the knowledge to engage respectfully with Māori culture in both professional and personal contexts. These sessions could be facilitated by cultural experts or through interactive e-learning modules.

Matariki Baking Contest

  • Organize a baking contest with a Matariki theme, encouraging staff to bring in homemade treats that are either star-shaped or inspired by traditional Māori ingredients like kūmara or horopito. Set up the contest in a common area and have a panel of volunteer judges or a popular vote to decide the winners. Offer small prizes for categories like ‘Best Taste’, ‘Best Presentation’, and ‘Most Creative Use of Traditional Ingredients’. This fun and festive activity can foster a light-hearted competition and culinary exploration, bringing everyone together for a sweet treat.

Corporate Gifting

  • Embrace the spirit of sharing that Matariki encourages by organizing a corporate gifting event. This could involve secret gift exchanges where employees are randomly assigned a coworker to give a small gift to, or organizing a charity drive where employees contribute items to a local charity. Emphasize gifts that hold personal or cultural significance, encouraging a deeper understanding and appreciation among team members. This activity not only fosters a sense of camaraderie but also reflects the Matariki values of generosity and community.

Traditional Clothing Day

  • Celebrate Matariki by having a day where employees are encouraged to wear traditional Māori clothing or colors that symbolize the Matariki star cluster (such as blues, purples, and silvers). Provide information about the significance of each color and style to educate employees about Māori dress and culture. This day can also include a fashion show or a group photo session to showcase the outfits and learn more about each other’s cultural expressions, enhancing cultural appreciation and office morale.

Fundraising for a Māori Charity

  • Organize a fundraising event to support a charity that works with the Māori community, aligning with Matariki themes of community support and giving back. This could involve office-wide activities such as a raffle, silent auction, or donation matching for the amount raised by employees. Choose a charity that contributes to areas like education, health, or cultural preservation, providing a tangible way for your office to contribute to the broader community and make a positive impact during the Matariki celebrations.

Poetry Reading

  • Host a poetry reading session where employees are invited to share poems they’ve written or favorite poems by others, related to themes of Matariki such as stars, renewal, or Māori heritage. Set up a comfortable space with seating arranged in a semi-circle to foster an intimate and supportive environment. This can be a powerful way to encourage creative expression and provide insight into personal and cultural reflections related to Matariki.

Create a Matariki Mural

  • Collaborate on creating a large Matariki mural in a communal space within the office. Invite all employees to contribute to the mural, which could depict the Matariki star cluster, aspects of Māori culture, or interpretations of new beginnings and community. Provide paints, brushes, and other materials needed for the mural, and perhaps guide the creation with the help of a local artist. This can be a unifying project that beautifies the workspace and serves as a lasting reminder of the Matariki celebrations and the values it represents.

End-of-Celebration Reflection

  • Conclude the Matariki celebrations with a group reflection session. Invite employees to share their experiences, what they learned about Matariki and Māori culture, and how the celebration affected their understanding of cultural diversity. This can be an open discussion or a more structured feedback session, which can help in planning future cultural events and understanding the impact of these celebrations on office culture and employee engagement.

These detailed activities provide a comprehensive way to celebrate Matariki in the office, fostering a deeper understanding of and respect for Māori culture while enhancing team cohesion and office morale.

In conclusion, celebrating Matariki in the workplace is a great way to recognize and appreciate Māori culture and its significance in New Zealand. By incorporating Matariki traditions and practices into the workplace, organizations can create a sense of belonging, respect, and understanding among their employees. From hosting cultural events and feasts to incorporating Māori art and design, there are many ways to celebrate Matariki in the workplace. It is important to remember that these celebrations should be done in a respectful and authentic way, with input and guidance from Māori advisors and stakeholders. Overall, by recognizing and honoring Matariki in the workplace, organizations can contribute to a more inclusive and diverse workplace culture.

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